Navigating NDIS reform: potential risk and insurance implications for NDIS providers
The Federal Government’s introduction of the NDIS Amendment Bill 2024(opens a new window) (NDIS Bill) on 27th March 2024 marked the first concrete step towards transformative changes in the way disability services are delivered and managed.
It comes in the wake of an independent review(opens a new window) into the NDIS, which proposed 26 recommendations and 139 supporting actions(opens a new window) aimed at providing a practical blueprint to facilitate foundational change.
While NDIS reforms hold the promise of enhancing the effectiveness and sustainability of the NDIS, they are also set to bring forth a host of challenges and implications for disability service providers.
As stakeholders await further developments, there is anticipation tempered with a recognition of the complexities ahead.
In this article, we examine the latest updates on NDIS reform and how Lockton stands ready to support disability service providers in navigating the risk and insurance implications stemming from these transformative changes.
Source: Read complete article here
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